We have received dozens of submissions, and photos continue to pour in at the time of writing this post. We are absolutely delighted and are grateful to all of you who spread the word and/or sent us photos. Please bear with us as we streamline contributions and ready them for online display. They will be... Continue Reading →
The First Graduate: call for photos!
A PRAJNYA ARCHIVES PROJECT TO MARK INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2014 FEBRUARY 8 TO MARCH 7, 2014 Who was the first woman in your family to graduate from college/university? Do you know and do you have photos that tell her story? Prajnya invites you to share the photos with us by submitting them to "The First... Continue Reading →
'Public life'
'Public life' refers to a range of practices with public goals (social, political and economic), involving participation in activities that are firmly situated in public spaces. Activities in institutions like schools, hospitals, theatres, places of worship, the civil service and government, to name a few, constitute public life. The archives are open to receiving old... Continue Reading →
Collection categories
Our collection includes and invites photos from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The women in our images participate in public life as: manual professionals, entrepreneurs, factory-workers, performers, missionaries, civil servants, activists, politicians, social workers, students, teachers and others.