"This photo was taken during the Joy Of Giving Week in 2010. Along with Ms .Malathi, trustee of Tanker foundation, we visited 5 orphanages and fed 650 orphan children. The above photo shows me with the kids of the Seva Samaj orphanage in Chennai. " Submitted by K. Nandhini Santhala Dinesh, Director Of DSIN Technology... Continue Reading →
Potter in Beldaur panchayat, Khagaria, 28.1.2011. "Many female artisans, indulge in pottery work to establish an alternative and local source of livelihood for existence." Photo contributed by Eklavya Prasad.
Deepa Malik, wheelchair bound athelete and ATV car rallyist, 13.09.09, Ahmednagar. Photo submitted by Ashish Verma.
"A woman  salvages burnt utensils from the remains of what used to be her house until last evening. On the evening of the 2nd of March, a fire that broke out in the slums on the eastern side of Bandra Station (Mumbai) spread to 500 households and by next daybreak all house were leveled to... Continue Reading →
Read about our upcoming 'Rainmakers' exhibit, August 5 - 7, 2011