Healthcare Heroes: Uma Shree Janani, mental health counsellor

Photo and text submitted by Uma Shree Janani "Uma Shree Janani started her journey of helping women around her by spreading positive words about mental health in social media. Her major focus is on importance of self- care and empowering both men and women with better awareness on mental health. As a mother herself, she... Continue Reading →

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Anjalai Amma of the Freedom Generation

  "My grandmother, Anjalai Amma was in jail for more than four and half years.She gave birth to her last son in the jail itself . My grand father Murugappa and my maternal aunt Leelavathy and her husband Jamadhagni were also freedom fighters.Her biography is included in viii std Tamil text book[second semester book]." Courtesy:... Continue Reading →

Leela Diraviam of the Freedom Generation

Leela Diraviam participated as a freedom fighter in underground work; passing messages and attending meetings shrouded in secrecy. She describes herself as a Gandhian. She said, “On that day, there was no TV. We heard the speech in parliament, that India awakes to life and freedom (sic). As soon as he (Nehru) said that India... Continue Reading →

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