Healthcare Heroes: Uma Shree Janani, mental health counsellor

Healthcare hero

Photo and text submitted by Uma Shree Janani

“Uma Shree Janani started her journey of helping women around her by spreading positive words about mental health in social media. Her major focus is on importance of self- care and empowering both men and women with better awareness on mental health. As a mother herself, she is passionate about Children deserving emotionally-available parents. Her Instagram page (@the_psychotherapist_formothers) has organically grown to 5000+ followers due to her constant support through mental health therapy and journaling program.

She has extensively practiced research work on ‘Inner Child,’ which she then uses in her therapy practice – which greatly helps others to heal their mental blocks and gracefully embrace themselves. Her counselling practice started in a humble manner in the year 2019, whilst taking full-time care of her 2-year-old. She has helped over 100 clients through counselling/coaching. She coaches people by providing them mental health awareness through a Guided journalling program from March 2023. Gradually, through the subscription based – journalling program, she was able to transform the lives of mothers for the past one year. She has also helped clients from India and abroad through her one-on-one counselling to dealing with stress from relationships, experiential stress, parenting. Through her “Safer Spaces” WhatsApp page, she has created a forum to discuss, share, and clarify about mental well-being in day-to-day life.

The reason behind Uma’s journey towards helping and supporting others to know about their mental well-being leads us to her personal experience. She has openly shared her own struggles with Childhood trauma in private workshops that she sometimes conducts; she went through depression in various stages of her life. She is open about her recent experience with depression during 2022-23, when she got the necessary help through therapy and journalling. She continues to help people to experience the healing powers of writing about oneself.

The Journalling program started in March 2023, mainly focused on mothers’ wellbeing. Through the journalling programme, she encourages people to write about their thoughts prompting various subjects such as self-esteem, relationships, mindfulness etc. Through this deep reflective writing, her clients are able to experience calmer and confidence in their lives.

Uma Shree Janani has written a book titled, “A Little Self- Love Book: Untangle your world” which is available on Amazon (see image below). The book has received good ratings and reviews which is one of the key milestones in the author’s journey towards helping others.”

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