“My name is Kishwar Sultana. I am 43 now and heading an NGO – Insan Foundation Trust. Among many boys and girls of my extended family I was the only one who went to college– even completed the 10th grade. I graduated from Lahore Collage for Women – Lahore in 1994. My three sisters were married off in their early teen age. I became the role model for my family especially women. Now all are studying or have completed the study.
I am a peace activist, trainer, researcher, an artist, advisor and founder of several bodies working on women’s rights, improved governance, gender equality and peace and security. In my professional career of 16 years I havemanaged several projects and program as director. Currently, I am working as Director of an NGO, Insan Foundation Trust whose programs mainly focuses on women’s empowerment and youth leadership in peace building.
I am a member of Steering Committee-Women Regional Network (WRN) on Security and Corruption-a network of women peace activists from Pakistan, India and Afghanistan; Women Waging Peace Network; Afghanistan/Pakistan Peace Dialogue Forum, Provincial Board of Governors (BoG), Local Council Association of the Punjab (LCAP) and Regional Women’s Mediators Network. I have served as member of International Working Group on Women, Peace and Security during 2011-2012. I am also a member of Provincial CEDAW Committee of Civil Society Organizations and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Alliance (EVAWGA)
I am the author of numerous booklets. I am also an artist and illustrator of children’s books. I hold a Master’s degree in geography from University of the Punjab. I am the first female of my family to have pushed my way through to college education and then employment.”
excellent trainer she is
cong mrs. kishwer sultana