With self-help group loans, S. Rajani, aged about 30, living in Kundrathur village, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, has developed the milk trade within 3 years.
The Moon Self Help Group formed in 2007 with 12 women had been actively functioning. S. Rajani got a loan of Rs.15,000 in 2011 and bought a cross-bred cow. She sold milk daily to neighbours in the village and the remaining milk, if any, was sold to tea/coffee shop or restaurant. Her family used some quantity of milk for themselves. She refunded the loan by monthly instalments and got another bank loan of Rs.20,000 in 2014 and bought two cows. She earned a net income of Rs.2,000 a month and used it for the family expenses. She sells away male calves and has four high milk-yielding cows. The SHG is of much benefit to her family and village community, improving the quality of life and the village economy.
Contributor: Anitha Mahendiran
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